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The Blogger Genius Podcast with Jillian Leslie

Dec 25, 2019

As bloggers, our number one need is traffic. We all know it, and yet sometimes, we try to talk ourselves out of it.

We think we can grow our blogs and our businesses and not worry about traffic.

And that’s not true. If you want to increase your blog income, you have to increase your traffic first.

Here are 6 easy...

Dec 18, 2019

Are you looking for the cheapest way to get started with Facebook ads?

If so, you’re going to want to listen in today because I have my very own Facebook ads experts on the show. 

Jessica Gleim and Amy Christie are the founders and creators of their own “mom-powered, marketing agency,” called Flairst. 

Today, we...

Dec 11, 2019

Do you dream of being an entrepreneur? Are you creative and long to build a business around your skills?

You're going to love my newest episode. Kayla Butler and I dig into how to build a successful creative business today.

I’m sure many of you are familiar with Kayla’s site, Ivory Mix, where she gives away...

Dec 4, 2019

Today, my guest, Brooke Riley, and I are talking about how to grow a seven-figure business by listening to your audience. And for Brooke, that audience has been on Facebook.

We talk about whether Facebook is really dead. Is it still possible to grow an audience on Facebook and actually get your content seen? 

Brooke has...

Nov 27, 2019

Productivity is something I am always thinking about and trying to learn more about because I know that it is crucial to growing my business. So in this episode, we're talking about how to find new productivity hacks for yourself.

But let’s be honest, sometimes we, as bloggers, get bogged down in the weeds instead of...